
Who are we

About Our Company

Istanbul Laboratory is one of the first medical laboratories in Turkey; It was established in 1951 in Sultanahmet. On February 25, 1974, Cağaloğlu Kazım İsmail Gürkan Cad. No: 3/5 and continued its service with Biochemistry and Microbiology license. After serving Istanbul for many years

( See Milliyet Newspaper dated February 25, 1974 ) In 2009, by incorporating with a new vision and obtaining the trademark registration has gone on a big leap. With its modern and high-tech devices, it continues to deliver the healthcare service of the 21st century to you, our valued customers, with its ever-growing and developing service network.


Istanbul Laboratories; It was established to provide high standard health laboratory services to Turkey from a single point and locally. Istanbul Laboratories; In addition to providing the group’s laboratory services in a standard, faster and reliable manner, it is also planned to serve as a “Reference Laboratory” to the whole of Turkey.

Quality Management System of Istanbul Laboratories ;
Our laboratory’s work has been awarded the ISO -9001:2008 quality system certificate, which is the first stage.

Health Our company has ISO -9001-2008 Certificate in Mobile Health, Laboratory and Analysis, Checkup.
At the same time, we are proud of being the first company to receive a quality certificate in check-up.

Thanks to its technical infrastructure, Istanbul Laboratory also shares medical or industrial reference laboratory services with the entire health sector. Contract laboratory for the entire healthcare industry
We also provide service.

In accordance with our Quality Standards; In our laboratory, all kinds of examinations can be performed at the highest level, even more reliably and accurately. With international quality control programs, tests are constantly kept in our laboratories. Calibration and controls are constantly repeated.

Istanbul Laboratories Group continues to serve the health sector with its pioneering practices in line with its vision and service principles. Our new branches will be at your service soon in order to serve you from the nearest place. Our breakthroughs and preparations are continuing rapidly to reach our service target for Anatolia and our big cities.


Patient’s rights are at the forefront, making information a rule, testing the most accurate, economical, observable, repetitive and advanced modern methods. Adopting the least mistakes as a basis and adding reality to this goal with internal and external quality controls. To be a “REFERENCE” Laboratory of Istanbul, which makes a name for its quality by applying universally accepted systems in laboratory work.


The responsibility of our laboratory on test results is to obtain the most accurate result by performing all checks within the limits of clinical laboratory standards and good laboratory practices of the test.


For most of the test parameters we work with, reference ranges determined by our laboratory for our public are used. In addition, glucose, total cholesterol, etc. For some tests, target values ​​recommended by international institutions are used.


The examinations coming out of our laboratory have been accredited by DACH (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle Chemie) according to the ISO 15189 standard. Our laboratories have ISO 9001: 2008 Quality system certificate.


Lab PT External Quality
ISO 9001:2008, MSA, DACH


The results of the tests you have done are given together with the test results performed in our laboratory in the last two years. In this way, giving the test results together with the old results increases the diagnostic value of the test.


The confidentiality of the test results studied in our laboratory is meticulously ensured by us. When the test results are out of the limit values, cross-repeat is performed to ensure 100% RELIABILITY of the result.